Frequently Asked Questions

Does this Treatment Program
Work for Adults?

Does this Treatment Program Work for Adults?

The best answer to this question is, unfortunately, that very little research has been done and we are not aware of any research done using this exact method.

We are aware of a study, done in the Netherlands, where 20 adults with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) did a progressive-loading exercise program with management of pain-avoidance behavior. Patients improved significantly with respect to pain and function. The authors conclude that it is a safe and effective method of treatment. The abstract can be found here.

As far as we are aware, there are no treatment programs designed for adults that offer the same level of intense physical and occupational therapy in conjunction with counseling. If you are aware of such a program or research for adults please let us know.

Children’s Specialized Hospital in New Brunswick does take patients up to age 21, though.

If you are a health care professional willing to treat adult AMPS patients who want this treatment, please let us know. The team at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) would be very interested in fostering an adult treatment program researching this intense exercise program.  Please contact Dr. Sherry at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia AMPS Center ( to express your interest in learning about and/or visiting the program.